Sorry for not posting, I'm on vacation in South Africa at the moment. I thought I would be able to do some posting from here but it seems difficult finding the time with our tight schedule and a computer that have a stable connection. I will be back next week.

Ballroom feelings
En tjusig dansk herrskapsvilla från 30-talet i Lyngby norr om Köpenhamn. Ljus och nästan ljuv inredning som stämmer väl in i tidsepoken. Vardagsrummet med de stora fönsterna påminner nästan om en gammal balsal. Bilder från Boligtorvet.
A beautiful old house from 1936 in Lyngby outside Copenhagen. Light and beautiful interior from the same age as the house. The livingroom with the big windows almost reminds me of an old ballroom. Images Boligtorvet.
Via Dreamhouse hittade jag dessa härliga pumpadekorationer för oss som tycker om höst och pumpor men kanske är lite trötta på Halloween. Här är inte ett spöke i sikte. Bilder från Better Homes and Garden.

Via Dreamhouse I found these decorations with pumpkins. No Halloween theme just lovely autumn decorations. Images from Better Homes and Garden.

Piero Fornasetti
Glas och assietter med det klassiska ansiktet från Piero Fornasetti. Bilder från Marie Claire Maison.
Glass and small plates with the classical faces from Piero Fornasetti. Images from Marie Claire Maison.

Olsson & Jensen
Olsson & Jensen i Höganäs har golv liknande det i sista bilden i förra inlägget. De har även mycket annat handplockat och noga utvalt med lite speciell karaktär såsom den vackra kinesiska stolen nedan.
At Olsson & Jensen in Höganäs you can find a floor similar to the one in my post yesterday. They also have a lot of other special and selected items like the old chair from China below.

At Olsson & Jensen in Höganäs you can find a floor similar to the one in my post yesterday. They also have a lot of other special and selected items like the old chair from China below.

Blanda gammalt och nytt
Att blanda gammalt och nytt är något man hör ganska ofta. I praktiken är det rätt svårt att få det att fungera utan att det ser rörigt ut. Kruxet är att inte få tingen att konkurrera för mycket. Ett tips är att hitta en gemensam nämnare t ex färg eller träslag. En mix som fungerar riktigt bra är sekelskift och moderna klassiker. Blandade bilder från Dixcot Location.
To mix old and new style is very popular but could be difficult. You don't want it to look messy. Try to avoid the furniture or decorations to compete by using the same colours or wood. A style that works great is the one with old ornaments from the turn of the century and modern classic furniture. Images from Dixcot Location.

To mix old and new style is very popular but could be difficult. You don't want it to look messy. Try to avoid the furniture or decorations to compete by using the same colours or wood. A style that works great is the one with old ornaments from the turn of the century and modern classic furniture. Images from Dixcot Location.

Beat Vessels
De här fulsnygga vaserna som kallas 'Beat Vessels' från Tom Dixon fascinerar mig på något sätt. Stilen tycker jag påminner om guldkupoler i mellanöstern, men det har inte varit tanken. De är tillverkade i opolerad mässing av indiska hantverkare. På något sätt blev jag lite besviken, det hade varit så mycket roligare om någon designer hade gett sig in i det outforskade mellanöstern.
When I saw these 'Beat Vessels' by Tom Dixon I thought that their shapes reminded me of a gold cupola from the Middle East. I was surprised, are the designers looking at the Middle East now. But no, these are made of unpolished brass by craftsmen from India. Wouldn't it have been much more fun if it actually was inspired by the Middle East.
When I saw these 'Beat Vessels' by Tom Dixon I thought that their shapes reminded me of a gold cupola from the Middle East. I was surprised, are the designers looking at the Middle East now. But no, these are made of unpolished brass by craftsmen from India. Wouldn't it have been much more fun if it actually was inspired by the Middle East.

Guld och gröna skogar
Tyska Elle Decoration har inför den stundande julen satt ihop ett reportage som ska ge lite nostalgiska känslor av doftande granar och glänsande utsmyckningar. Oväntade kombinationer som natur, djur i kontrast med guld känns aktuellare än någonsin. Dessa bilder har i sin trendighet nästan blivit mer festlig konst än inredning.
The Elle Decoration in Germany show these images to give us nostalgic thoughts of Christmas. The surprising combination of nature, animals in contrast to gold feels like a trend at the moment. These images are more like artpictures than interior decoration.

The Elle Decoration in Germany show these images to give us nostalgic thoughts of Christmas. The surprising combination of nature, animals in contrast to gold feels like a trend at the moment. These images are more like artpictures than interior decoration.

Spännande asienskandinavisk mix
En av höstens trender enligt Sköna Hem är den här asienskandinaviska mixen. En blandning av gammalt och nytt men med fokus på naturmaterial som ull, linne och silke. En dov nästan maskulin färgskala med svart, brunt, beige och orange.
According to the swedish magazine Sköna Hem this asian and scandinavian mix is one of the new trends this autumn. This is about mixing old with new and use natural materials like wool, linen and silk. The colours are masculine with a lot of black, brown, beige and orange.

According to the swedish magazine Sköna Hem this asian and scandinavian mix is one of the new trends this autumn. This is about mixing old with new and use natural materials like wool, linen and silk. The colours are masculine with a lot of black, brown, beige and orange.

Tokiga i vitt
Har läst i några utländska bloggar att de tycker att vi svenskar är tokiga i vitt. Ja, det stämmer nog. Kanske beror det på vårt klimat eller bara att vi tycker om enkelheten. Hur som helst gäller det nog danskar också. Här är ett hem från Köpenhamn där kritvitt är basen och sen har man lyft in svarta detaljer. Ett enkelt men effektfullt koncept. Bilder från spanska Elle Deco.
I read in a few blogs that the swedes are crazy about white. I guess it's true. Maybe it's because of our weather climate or maybe we just like it simple. Anyway, the danes are as crazy as well. This is from a flat in Copenhagen. White base with black as an accent. Simple but effective. I'm swedish so obviously I love this. Images from spanish Elle Deco.

I read in a few blogs that the swedes are crazy about white. I guess it's true. Maybe it's because of our weather climate or maybe we just like it simple. Anyway, the danes are as crazy as well. This is from a flat in Copenhagen. White base with black as an accent. Simple but effective. I'm swedish so obviously I love this. Images from spanish Elle Deco.

Shades of India
För tio år sen startades 'Shades of India' utanför Delhi av en indisk textildesigner och en engelsk journalist. Traditionellt hantverk från Asien i kombination med västerländsk design. Överkast, kuddar, servetter och dukar i naturliga material såsom bomull och silke tillsammans med vackert broderade dekorationer. Allt i en mild färgsskala.
Shades of India started ten years ago by an indian textile designer and a former english journalist. By combination of these two cultures they have developed an successful international style. They use material like cotton and fine silk that is beautifully embroided. All in mild colours.

Shades of India started ten years ago by an indian textile designer and a former english journalist. By combination of these two cultures they have developed an successful international style. They use material like cotton and fine silk that is beautifully embroided. All in mild colours.

Save our souls
Save our souls är en svensk designgrupp med målet att om inte förändra världen så åtminstone göra oss mer uppmärksamma på den. Jag gillar deras kul och annorlunda produkter. Hyllan 'Lightning', den svartlila lampan 'Drops' och hyllan 'Fucking Far From Ok' med underrubriken It's time to make a statement.
The swedish designgroup 'Save our souls' want's to change the world or at least make it better or more beautiful. I like their products, they are fun and different. The shelf 'Lightning', the lamp 'Drops' and the bookshelf 'Fucking Far From Ok' with the underline 'It's time to make a statement'.
The swedish designgroup 'Save our souls' want's to change the world or at least make it better or more beautiful. I like their products, they are fun and different. The shelf 'Lightning', the lamp 'Drops' and the bookshelf 'Fucking Far From Ok' with the underline 'It's time to make a statement'.
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