{ 10 ways to decorate with letters! }

Letters are still very hot these days, so today I thought I would show you 10 different ways to decorate with letters. Some of them should even be easy to make yourself!

 1. Fix letters to the wall, or put them on a shelf.
2. Make your own personalised pillows.
3. Make a picture of letters or words.
4. Letter hooks for your jackets.
5. Make a lamp that stands out!
 6. Sew initials on small linen hearts.
7. Paint letters on canvas.
8. Why not use your scrabble for a creative gift or decoration at home?
9. Sew letters on your bunting.
10. Make wonderful prints!

How do you decorate with letters in your home?
 I hope this gave you some ideas.

Have a creative day lovely people!


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